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Trying to find a good cheap SUV for sale can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. When it comes to cheap SUVs we have you covered with a large selection of In-Stock and more arriving daily. Just because an SUV is considered to be cheap or affordable doesn’t mean it has to be unreliable. All of our cheap SUVs we have for sale go through our shop by factory training technicians so when your purchasing you know exactly what was repaired on the SUV and what it could need in the near future. Come find out why Viking Motors is the SUV destination for so many customers in Manitoba and the Interlake. Did we mention we have great financing options to make sure you are keeping your new you SUV in your budget?

For your convenience, we listed all our in-stock new and used from cheapest to most expensive.

Don’t see the cheap SUV you like? Contact us and we will find it free of charge for you

When it comes to purchasing an SUV, we know there are so many options it can almost fry your brain. An SUV is a significant purchase, and that is why getting the right new or used SUV for sale is essential. Being a rural dealership Viking Motors specializes in both new and used SUVs as it is a way of life for us rural Manitobans. Contact Us why Viking Motors is known by many looking to purchase an SUV as the go-to destination for SUVs and SUV Financing.

Viking Motors 50.9022631, -97.2185046.